How To Show Up As Your Best When Parenting
With managing work, kids, and a full household how do can you find time to take care of yourself?
Caregivers and parents, you have one of the toughest jobs on a planet. You are responsible for raising a tiny human to thrive in this unpredictable world. How do you prioritize self care, prevent caregiver burnout and find balance to support your family.
This episode discusses a simple exercise for you to pause and evaluate how you are prioritizing various areas of your life and to make changes to prioritize self care for yourself so your can be your best while taking care of your family
Recap: To set an realistic self-care routine
Identify an area of your life that you want to put more focus and energy into
Explore 1 thing you can begin doing regularly throughout the week to move towards that direction
Check in weekly to see what worked and didn’t work and adjust as needed
Add it to your calendar, set a reminder, or write it down somewhere where you can see it.
Remember, we can't pour from an empty cup.
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