Preventa Wear: A Mother’s Innovative Solution to Diaper Digging

As parents, we often face challenges unique to our children's needs, and for some, these challenges can be even more profound. In a candid and heartfelt episode of the Autism Family Resource Podcast, host Brian Keene explores a topic seldom discussed – diaper digging. The guest, Cindi Seifert, a mother and the founder of Prevent Aware, shares her personal journey raising Kyla, a 25-year-old with autism and epilepsy.

The Untold Struggles: Cindi recounts the early signs and difficulties she faced when Kyla began exhibiting diaper digging behaviors at the age of two. This behavior, often stigmatized and rarely talked about, became a significant hurdle for Cindi and her daughter. The emotional toll of dealing with societal judgment and the challenges of day-to-day life prompted Cindi to seek a solution.

"I felt very alone. I couldn't talk about it. I didn't really know what it was. You know, this was about 13 years ago. So even the Internet was just developing.”

The Birth of Preventa Wear: Fueled by the need to find a remedy for her daughter's struggles, Cindi embarked on a journey that led to the creation of Preventa Wear. This innovative clothing line, specifically designed for individuals with incontinence and their caregivers, has become a beacon of hope for families worldwide. Cindi's story resonates with many parents facing similar challenges, offering a supportive community and practical solutions.

        "So finally, I just took a sewing class, and I made one because there was nothing online yet. I made an adult-size onesie—full coverage—that snapped in the crotch. And then I put on jeans and a belt on her, and it worked!"

The Preventa Wear Difference: Preventa Wear goes beyond conventional solutions, providing not only practical support but also addressing the sensory aspects of the challenges families face. Cindi's creations, ranging from adult-sized onesies to waterproof wheelchair pads and stylish outfits, have garnered global attention for their functionality, sensory-friendly design, and fashionable appeal.

     "Everything that I make can be worn under any outfit. So there's complete freedom. But it's also very sensory-friendly."

Breaking the Silence: Diaper digging is a behavior often met with silence due to societal taboos. Cindi's openness about her experiences and the creation of Preventa Wear aims to break this silence. By sharing her story, she hopes to reach families who may be facing similar challenges, assuring them that they are not alone.

“I developed the website and put one online, and boom! We got orders and orders and orders. And then, all of a sudden, I realized that we weren't alone."

A Call for Empowerment: As Cindi passionately describes her journey, it becomes evident that Preventa Wear is not just a clothing line; it's a catalyst for empowerment. The positive impact on Kyla and countless individuals worldwide speaks to the transformative potential of addressing challenges with innovation, compassion, and a touch of fashion.

Conclusion: The Preventa Wear story is one of resilience, innovation, and the power of a mother's love. Cindi Seifert's determination to create a solution for her daughter has resulted in a global movement that empowers families facing similar obstacles. To learn more about Preventa Wear and Cindi's inspiring journey, listen to the full episode on the Autism Family Resource Podcast.

Stay tuned for more empowering stories and resources to support your family's unique journey.


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